The Spirit of Hangovers Past. <smiles weakly and eats more Bayer>
Country Girl
do the scriptures say that jehovah god is ( immutable.
therfore any man or organization whom claims to speak for jehovah/god or whom claims to represent him will not make any mistakes within any prophecys issued ( ,as god cannot lie.).
what is the meaning of the word ( .
The Spirit of Hangovers Past. <smiles weakly and eats more Bayer>
Country Girl 6 months for good behavior.. this man, james barratt of rugby england was put in prision last summer for molesting boys, including one of my relatives.
the fact that he is only going to spend a year in jail sickens me.
not being familiar with the british court system, i need to ask the board: is there a parole hearing like in the us?
I dunno about you, but I wouldn't lay down my life for sheep. If you did that, you'd be dead and the sheep would have no one to care for them anyway, and the wolves would get em... so it's really an exercise in futility. =)
please forgive the poor quality of the shot.
this pic tickled my funnybone.
in case you can not see it clearly, every brother and sister around this table, bethelites all, has a toothy grin as they gleefully study the day's bible text.. i need a better caption than the one supplied.
God, my Jah hurts.
Country Grill
just wanted you all to know i have finally got my hubby to visit the forum.
he will be posting also (he is a man of few words so he may be a newbie forever lol) .
we of course have the same ip address in case you noticed that, just didn't want you to think i had a personality disorder lol you will find we differ on everything but that is what makes for good conversation after almost 19 years lol.
Mr. SheilaM:
If I told you, that would be gossiping. <grin> Couldn't stand accused of that now, could I? Maybe if I sit down, though.... heheheh.
Country Girl
since you drifted or fell away from the "truth", what do you now know that you never realized before?
was there anything that shocked or surprised you about the witness religion that you didn't know about til you left??
I was thoroughly "shocked" that Christians believed that Jesus rose in the physical body. It never entered my mind it could have been anything other than in the spirit. I mean, just stunned! I also was shocked that people have friends of the opposite sex without chaperones. I know.. wierd.
Country Girl
i must say that i am troubled by those of you who have likened the jw's to the borg.
the collective is nothing like the organization.
the borg assimilate and improve themselves as a whole.
<Country Girl> <------ looks like the North end of a South bound mule in latex.
re: what are you doing on new year's eve?
dec 31, 2002 10:03
In fact, I made two of my babies my new profile pic. Aren't they cuuuuuuuuuuute?
Country Girl
re: what are you doing on new year's eve?
dec 31, 2002 10:03
Hilly Billy:
Beautiful post! I sometimes wish it could go back to the day when we all rode horses to get around. I, also, have the equine gene and have three of my own to love, brush, feed, and ride. What a beautiful ritual you have. Sounds like a great thing to pass on down to your son. Wish my son took more of an interest in riding, but, sadly, he prefers motorcycles and girls.. heheheh. I have had horses in my life as long as I can remember. I come from ranch stock -- Grandfather a rancher and farmer, all uncles and aunts living on ranches and farms. The best summers I ever had were with my Grandparents on the farm. Horses were always a part fo that. My Father is a restaurant owner, so it also skipped a generation in my family, but I got back out to the country as soon as I could. I have had horses since I was 13, and adore them. I raised my colt since he was born, and he is 3 now and a joy in my life. Horses are such noble and strong creatures, and throughout history have represented a significant part of people's lives, cultures, and art.
To me, they represent the free part of myself, the one that wants to ride forever into the sunset with no holds barred. The wind in my hair, the feeling of power on such a mighty beast. Guess it's in my blood.. hehehh.
Good luck in the New Year and all the years to come for you and your trust Paint.
Country Girl
with 2002 almost consigned to history, how was it for you?
how would you sum up your 2002?
nah, this isn't a poll; we do those on the weekends!!
About average, as years go.
One year closer to college graduation.
Son moved out to live with father (good and bad)
Got my "art block" successfully chipped away and am beginning to be happy doing art again. <Unlike alot of JW's my Mother saw my talent and "forced" me into art classes, school. I resented her for it, and it took many years to get back the happiness and joy of doing what I loved.>
No major catastrophes. No deaths, or births, no severe illnesses.. except my own depression.. but I'm used to it!
So.. I guess all in all, a so so year is just about as good as a good year!
Hope all of you have a great 2003! See ya'll next year!
which watchtower teachings lack logic?.
i know you're all tempted to say all of them, but some beliefs if the facts were true, would be logical.. which ones that are supposed to be a logical consequence of a true fact are in fact not logical whether the fact is true or not?.
for an example of logical belief based on untrue or unprovable fact , if god created adam and all humans came from him,(supposed fact) he could pass on defects in his genes to all humans and we could all be "imperfect".this we could call logical.. a watchtower belief that lacks logic is for example jw's who go through armageddon or die and are ressurected to earth are not perfect but still have another test to go through, yet those who die and that go to heaven are perfect straight away and require no further testing.. so which teachings are based on beliefs that are not true and which ones are just not logical?
Seems like it would be easier to answer the question: Which Watchtower beliefs are logical?
Country Girl